Shabbat Services

Congregation Beth Israel is proud to offer a wide variety of different services that reflect the spiritual diversity of the CBI community. From family-friendly musical services like our beloved Rock Shabbat to the silence, chanting and guided mediations of our contemplative Shabbat, CBI Shabbat services emphasize joy, participation, learning and deep spirituality.

  • Bring your enthusiasm and openness, and be ready to give voice in hearty prayerful song at Kabbalat Shabbat, the Friday evening worship in which we welcome the day designated for rest of our bodies and renewal of our souls. These participatory Friday evening services, usually accompanied by guitar and featuring a brief D'var Torah or "word of Torah," employ the Mishkan T'filah, the prayerbook of the Reform movement.

  • Join the Rock Shabbat band for a lively and fun Shabbat service filled with some of the best Jewish music around (new and old). The music will inspire you to sing, clap, and get on your feet. This is a service that every generation will enjoy.

  • A quieter Shabbat evening service that incorporates songs as well as silence, chants, and guided meditations.

  • This informal, virtual Shabbat gathering is all about the joy of being together - from the comfort of your home. It's like a casual, virtual Shabbat dinner with a focus on study and participation, while still including the most vital parts of a Shabbat evening service.

  • With so many Jewish Holidays and texts connected to nature, the changing of the seasons, renewal and harvest, welcoming Shabbat outdoors seems only fitting. In the spring, summer and fall we often meet in local parks to celebrate our connection to nature.

  • During this lively all-music services, members of CBI comprising the Hallelu Band and the Chutzpah! Chorus join the congregation in heeding the words of Psalm 150: to bring our instruments, voices, and every breath in praise of God.

  • Every Shabbat morning at 10:00 a.m. there is a congregant-led service employing Sim Shalom, the prayerbook of the Conservative Movement. One can expect spirited traditional davenning (chanted prayer mostly in Hebrew). If you have a skill such as the ability to chant the Haftarah, read from the Torah, deliver a D’var Torah, or lead a section of the service, we would be happy to have your participation. A companion booklet to the prayerbook, A Guide to Shabbat Morning Worship, is available for anyone who would like transliterations of Hebrew prayers or commentary on the liturgy.

  • About once a month, we offer a Reform morning service (using the Mishkan T'filah Siddur). This service will usually have a guitar accompaniment, contemplative prayers and meditations, and a Torah discussion.

  • Shiru Shabbat services are fun, engaging, and interactive for families with young children, and include singing, prayers, and a story. It is also a wonderful way for families to meet each other and learn about Shabbat.

The majority of CBI services are also available live on the congregation’s YouTube channel to extend remote worship opportunities to all who can’t participate in person, and those staying connected to the community from afar. Please find some samples below.