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Religious School

Six Goals of CBI Religious School

By the time our students graduate from CBI Religious School in twelfth grade, we hope they will know, feel, and do the following:

Chesed (Loving-kindness): Students will experience what it is like to be in a community filled with loving-kindness and will gain a strong resolve to bring loving-kindness into our world.

M'Dor L'Dor (From Generation to Generation): Students will feel connected to Judaism past, present, and future.

Bitachon (Confidence): Students will feel confident and comfortable participating in a variety of Jewish experiences; not only in our Jewish home, but in Jewish settings outside of Charlottesville, as well.

Kehillah Kedosha (Holy Community): Students will have a connection with the larger Jewish community, especially in Israel, and have opportunities to experience Judaism in Jewish time with CBI. 

Malchut V'Shleimut (Awe and Wonder): Students will explore prayer, spirituality, and connection to God.

Hitlamdut (Reflexive Learning): Students will discover that Judaism is relevant and real in our daily lives and is part of everything we do and everywhere we go.

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Religious School Curriculum

How to Enroll


Sun, May 5 2024 27 Nisan 5784